Farrerons Serif
Farrerons Serif font is a perfect blend of the old Roman Trajan to the new mystic and impressive modern and futuristic fonts. Especially designed for the body type text, Farrerons Serif also gives a sleek feeling when used as heading or titles. It is a fully working...
Peleguer takes the name of the Valentia goldsmith, Peleguer Manuel, who first led to the designing of this wonderful, clear picture font in between 1779 and 1783 for Royal Economic Society of Friends of the Land of Valencia. It is believed that Peleguer Manuel never...
Tipo Pèpel’s boxed typography adds freshness wherever used because of its awesome design and availability in 18 extensive weight typefaces. You can have it in light, bold, italics, semi bold and what else. Using it to perfection provides a rich look and its pixel...