1509 Leyden

1509 Leyden

This ancient font as per its name was first used in 1509 in a Dutch town then known as Leyden for printing Francesco Filfelo’s “Breviores elegantioresque epistolae” by Jan Seversz. 1509 Leyden had covered almost one complete set of small lombardic initials, the...
1510 Nancy

1510 Nancy

Nancy was inspired from the printing of Symphorien Champion’s book named “Recueil ou croniques des hystoires des royaulmes d’Austrasie ou France orientale[…]” in around 1510 at Nancy town of France. Basically focused on initials letters, it has...


The birth for this 1462 Bamberg font came to life while printing of a book named “Ackermann Von Böhmen” which was written in an old German Language. Though it was the phase of when printing just got started Albrecht Pfister did a great job in the design of this font....
Paris Verand

Paris Verand

This French inspired font which was used in 1514 is highly decorative and GLC has updated the complete set.1514 Paris Verand which was installed while printing “Triumphus translatez de langage Tuscan en François” by the printer Barthélémy Verand. The lacking letters...
1512 Initials

1512 Initials

1512 Initials is a superb collection which is highly original in the area of initials. It contained roman set with white on black and the other of black and white, which will give the printer options of using as per audience and context. Inspired by Italian, it also...