by fontocean | Aug 5, 2013
Linotype Univers can be referred to as a fully revised account of the innovative Univers typography family fashioned by Adrian Frutiger in the year 1957. The unending process of meticulously comprehensive amendment, Frutiger and the entire design staff at Linotype...
by fontocean | Aug 1, 2013
Poem Script is a miscellaneous compilation of interpretations that artifice a late nineteenth century American pen script style. This is not a typical Italian letterform but the style is referred to as the “Italian Alphabet” stalking from an old penman’s term for an...
by fontocean | Jul 30, 2013
Wayfinding Sans was designed official by designer Ralf Herrmann. This talented designer started off with the project after extensive study in the field. He actually drove tens of thousands of miles to explore the legibility of road signage typefaces in over dozens of...
by fontocean | Jul 26, 2013
Creighton Pro is a unique in its own sense, the typeface has been designed by Steve Jackaman and Ashley Muir. It was their initial joint attempt to craft an appropriate lowercase for Les Usherwood’s ‘Elston’ typeface. The lettering was based on a few characters from...
by fontocean | Jul 24, 2013
If you are a vintage lover, then the chalk hand font is for you. You will love the feel it offers. Today, when the concept of blackboards and chalks has become almost extinct, it is not easy to find the creative chalk writing and the ethnic feel it had. This font is...