Gothic Script

Gothic Script

Gothic Script is one of the most lavish and stylish font used in the period between 1300’s to 1500’s. It portraits a kind of settlement between historic and modern use. This font includes many abbreviations like “que, qui, quo, per, pre, ff, ffi, fi, ft, sd, pp…...
Paris Verand

Paris Verand

This French inspired font which was used in 1514 is highly decorative and GLC has updated the complete set.1514 Paris Verand which was installed while printing “Triumphus translatez de langage Tuscan en François” by the printer Barthélémy Verand. The lacking letters...
Bastarde Manual

Bastarde Manual

In the later stages of 1400s, Duke of Burgundy’s court used and type of fonts named “Bastarde Flamande” for hand written book. This “Bastarde Flamande” inspired the fmaily of 1475 Bastarde Manual which was drawn from the source of French Translation of Histoire...
1512 Initials

1512 Initials

1512 Initials is a superb collection which is highly original in the area of initials. It contained roman set with white on black and the other of black and white, which will give the printer options of using as per audience and context. Inspired by Italian, it also...
1495 Bastarde Lyon

1495 Bastarde Lyon

Large number of letters is there in this font though the ligatures and special characters remain few. The letter “long S” is used in its primitive form. This font is used to decorate many web-site, greeting cards , and posters but a file is required to read them on...
1470 Sorbonne

1470 Sorbonne

Jean Heynlin from Sorbonne University drew this 1470 Sorbonne font getting its inspiration from Pannartz’s which was ultimately carved to perfection by Adolf Rusch at the university’s printing workshop in Paris. Though the standard and historic ligatures and the Latin...