News Gothic

News Gothic

News Gothic  is actually the standard American sanserif typeface of the first two thirds of the twentieth century. It was originally prepared for ATF by Morris Fuller Benton in the year 1908 under the name News Gothic. The Trade Gothic follows News Gothic exclusive of...


The classical Clarendon calligraphy form originated way back in the year 1845 in England.  It was refined by eminent designers of the time Edouard Hoffmann and Hermann Eidenbenz at Haas, almost a hundred years after the origination.          ...


Sonic is a font created by Bitstream.   This font is a tribute to the great sf movie Star Trek : The Next Generation. Download Sonic font Sonic font detail Foundry:  Bitstream Released: Jan 1, 2000 Price:  2 fonts – $47.00...
Swiss 721

Swiss 721

The Swiss 721 font is an eye catching font that offers excellent view to typeface lovers. The font is a treat to the eyes. Easy to use and modify as per the artist’s requirement, the font is simply incredible. The creator of this font is Max Miedinger.    ...


Futura® font is an archtycal twentieth century Geometric Sanserif model, a fully developed version though. Created by Paul Renner, the font form is antique with Greek capitals inscribed by the Cretans almost 25 centuries ago! The history of sans serif typeface is...